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Craftsmanship was once a common activity which took part as an important complement for the local rural ways of life. Nowadays, arts and crafts help preserve the memory of this region, keeping alive the richness of this culture and perpetuating the mastery of some artisans. In the Geopark Naturtejo, many of these traditions are still alive, materialized in the production of diverse, beautiful and traditional handcrafted goods.

Many of these products in different types of cloth, which sought to take the most out of the scarce resources available, are still hand made today. Some good examples of that are the traditional rodilhas, the ourelos spreads (Idanha-a-Nova, Vila Velha de Ródão), and the marafona dolls, figures without a face, dressed in traditional outfits (Monsanto).

In the other hand, there are other sophisticated types of embroidery, spread across the region: the elaborated and valuable Castelo Branco embroidery, utilizing silk yarn over a screen of linen; the alinhavados, frioleiras and bilros lace from Nisa; the embroidery and lace from Vila Velha de Ródão and Idanha-a-Nova; and the linen from Oleiros, still produced to this day in the traditional looms.

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Rodilhas and Ourelos blankets | Idanha-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão
-   Marafonas | Monsanto
-   Embroidery in silk and linen | Castelo Branco
-  Alinhavados, frioleiras and bilros lace | Nisa
Embroidery and lace | Vila Velha de Ródão and Idanha-a-Nova 
Linen | Oleiros 
- Wrought iron art work | Idanha-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão 
- Wooden art | Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco, Vila Velha de Ródão and Nisa 
Cork art | Idanha-a-Nova, Oleiros and Nisa
Pottery | Idanha-a-Nova and Nisa
-  Adufe | Idanha-a-Nova 
Alembics and copper pots| Oleiros
- Weaver looms | Oleiros

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Utilizing the local resources, artisans still produce decorative elements and tools for domestic use in diverse materials: wrought iron, wood, cork or clay. The adufe, symbol of regional identity is one of the most characteristic percussion instruments in Portugal, and it’s still handmade in the region of Idanha-a-Nova, maintaining its vitality and still being played by the adufeiras, who fill and delight the Geopark with their engaging music. 





Events Calendar



In the territory of the Geopark Naturtejo there are many cultural, historical or sporting events. They are a vital part of the annual cultural programming and of the region’s cultural agenda.

Note: Some dates may be liable to modification




 Lardosa, Castelo Branco | Coscureis Fair
Medelim, Idanha-a-NovaS. Sebastião and Chorizo Fair


  NisaAlenterra off road motorcycle trails
 Oleiros | 4º Passeio TT Pinhal Total


 Termas de Monfortinho and Salvaterra do Extremo, Idanha-a-Nova  | Canoeing in the Erges river – Luso-Spanish encounter
 Proença-a-Velha, Idanha-a-NovaPedestrian path “The Gods’ Gold” 
Idanha-a-Nova |Olive Oil and Charcuterie Festival
21stForest Day
 NisaSmuggling Route
End of the month  | Nisa | Enchidos Fair
Proença-a-Nova e OleirosApple of Cain Rally Route 
Date TBD  | Vila Velha de Ródão | Carnival Fair
21stWorld Forest Day
22nd  |World Water Day



Holy Week program and events
The weekend before Easter  | Castelo Branco |Alcains Cheese Fair
Two weeks before Easter | Salgueiro do campo - Castelo Branco Bread and Wine Fair
 Idanha-a-Nova | Mushrooms and other Sylvan Products Festival
 Idanha-a-NovaThematic trip: “Ornithology in Templar Lands”
 Idanha-a-Nova Pedestrian Path “The Soil’s Delicacies” 
 Idanha-a-Nova Flower Festival with pedestrian path “May’s Flower”
Idanha-a-Nova| Spring Festival
End of April | Nisa Cheese and traditional products fair
OleirosRoasted Kid and Maranho Gastronomic Festival
OleirosAthletics Grand Prix “Oleiros Running”
Proença-a-NovaSoup, Maranhos, Enchido and Cheese Fair
22th | World Day of the Earth / Geological Patrimony National Day
18th | International Day for Monuments and Sites




May to July | Castelo Branco |Musical Spring Festival
Proença-a-Velha | Traditional Soups Fair
Monsanto | Monsanto’s Medieval Fair Historical villages
2nd weekend of the month | Idanha-a-Nova | International Zarza La Mayor Mountain Biking Marathon
 Oleiros | Traditional Mosteiro's Soups Fair
Oleiros | Orvalho Geo Route
15th | International Day of Families
8th | Day of the Sun
18th | World Day of the Museums
22nd | Biodiversity International Day
Vila Velha de Ródão | Cherry Fair
May and June | across the Geopark | Landscape Festival




 Zebreira | Sports in the Nature Festival
Proença-a-Nova | Municipality’s festivities: Conferences, exhibitions, handcrafts, gastronomy
Proença-a-Nova | Pedestrian pathVila Velha de Ródão | Economic Activities Fair
1st | World Children’s Day
5th | international Day of the Environment
21st | World Day for the Renewable Energies




Beginning of the month | Castelo Branco | Folklore festival
Idanha-a-Nova | Watermelon festival with the “Watermelon pedestrian path”
Idanha-a-Nova | Astronomy sessions in Idanha, Oledo and in the dam.
Idanha-a-Nova |Raiana Fair
Nisa | River Fish Gastronomic Festival
July and August | Proença-a-Nova | Radical Day and Summer Activities
Proença-a-Nova | Festival of Philharmonic Bands
Proença-a-Nova | River Fish Festival
Proença-a-Nova | “Tigelada” and Handcrafts Fair
 21st | Proença-a-Nova | “Ciência Viva da Floresta” Center anniversary
26th | Geopark Naturtejo’s anniversary
28th | World Nature Conservation Day




Geopark Naturtejo | Summer Geology
Mid-August | Alcains | Porridge Fair
Idanha-a-Nova | Templar journeys in Penha Garcia
Idanha-a-Nova | “Smuggling across Luso-Spanish borders” pedestrian path
Oleiros | Pinhal Fair
 Oleiros | Concertina and Accordion Festival
12th | International Youth Day




Lardosa | Red Beans fair
Monforte da Beira | Traditional “Bica” cake festival
Idanha-a-Nova | Horse-riding trail
Fratel | S. Mateus fair
27th | World Day of Tourism
16th | International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer




End of the month | Malpica do Tejo | Olive Oil fair
Idanha-a-Velha | “Casqueiro” bread festival
Idanha-a-Nova | “Stork birds and mines” pedestrian path
Idanha-a-Nova | Mountain bicycles: Trails across the border
 Proença-a-Velha | Accordionists meeting
 Oleiros | Chestnut and Apple of Cain Week including: “Chestnut Route” Pedestrian path, Mountain bicycles marathon and Gastronomic exhibition



S. Miguel D’Acha | Wine and Liquors festival

Vila Velha de Ródão | Chestnut and “Jeropiga” fair

24th | International Day for Scientific Culture



11th | International Mountain Day

 Proença-a-Nova | Christmas fair: handcrafts, music and gastronomy 


Note: Please confirme the dates







In the Geopark Naturtejo religious heritage is filled with rich and unavoidable traditions. These rites, rooted on traditional values, renew the profound and ancestral heritage of these people.

Through times, sacred has communed with profane, where they both give birth to some of the festivities and traditions present across this region. Spread throughout the lands, faith is celebrated assuming different forms of manifestation, from the whisper of many prayers, to the colorful and cheerful environment of religious festivities.

After the ring of the bells and the echoes of the prayers, come the rolls of the drums, leading to the exteriorization of the human joy. These rituals, are after all a mix of emotions and the celebration of life.



Holly Week

With this weeks’ manifestations immerged in the solemnity that characterizes the Passion of Christ, the Easter Season is one of the main periods for catholic Celebration. Involved in devotion, the chants of this season evoke the souls of the deceased, a penitentiary gesture, that seek the protection of those who live by the action of those who are closer to God – the example fake  of the Commendation of the Souls.

As the Holy Week approaches, rites are intensified. Among these practices we can find the Palm Sunday, the Holy Thursday, the Hallelujah Saturday or the Easter Sunday celebrities.

Festivities and Pilgr/images


This rites and festivities are usually annual, representing and interpreting ancient practices. These celebrations combine the celebration of people’s devotion and profane traditions, which are worth to explore.

The dates established for the worshiping of Saints are thus privileged occasions for the renewal of communities’ bonds. It’s also a time for the reaffirmation of vows or to ask for divine intervention.




- S.Tiago Festivities | Oleiros | 4th Sunday of August
- The Popular Saints Festivities | Oleiros | 13th, 24th and 29th of June
- N. Sra. Do Castelo Festivities | Monsanto | 3rd of May or the next weekend
- Sra da Azenha Festivities | Penha Garcia and Monsanto | 2nd weekend of September
- “Bodo” | Salvaterra do Extremo | Easter Monday
- “Bodo” | Monfortinho | Eleven days after Easter Sunday
- N. Sra. Assunção Festivities | Proença-a-Nova | 15th of August
- Sto. António Festivities | Proença-a-Nova| throughout June
- N. Sra da Alagada Festivities | Vila Velha de Ródão | 4th weekend of August


Throughout the festivities the commissions who organize the events aim to turn them into a big success. People pray, sing, dance and live intensely. Traditional flavors, sounds and knowledge join together in an experience of celebration of god.



- N. Sra. Do Almortão pilgrimage | Idanha-a-Nova | 3rd Monday after Easter Sunday
- N. Sra de Mércules pilgrimage | Castelo Branco | 3rd Tuesday after easter
 - N. Sra. Dos Altos Céus pilgrimage | Lousa | 3rd Sunday of May
- N. Sra. Da Orada pilgrimage | São Vicente da Beira | 4th Sunday of May
- N. Sra. Da Graça pilgrimage | Nisa | Easter Monday
- N. Sra. Dos Prazeres pilgrimage | Nisa | Monday after Low Sunday
- N. Sra. Da Saúde pilgrimage | Rabaça | 2nd Sunday after Easter Sunday
- Sta. Margarida pilgrimage | Oleiros | 20th of July
- N. Sra. Dos Remédios pilgrimage | Vila Velha de Ródão | 7th and 8th of September





Congress Spaces




In the Geopark Naturtejo territory there are several spaces specialy designed for the organization of congresses and other events. These spaces are fully equipped and complemented by a rich offer of culture and leisure equipments.

Whether it’s a social or professional event, a simple meeting or a bigger congress, in the Geopark’s territory companies can find the perfect spaces and equipments for the success of their activities. 




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Geopark Naturtejo

Geopark Naturtejo © 2024 All rights reserved

Créditos Fotográficos:
Pedro Martins
Stock Images of the Geopark Naturtejo

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